Old Age Home (Male & Female Unit)

Two units of “Old Age Homes” established at the adjacent Campus of SMSS old people both male & female who have no close-one in family or in the world suffered all of the age of 60 or above. Separate proper adequate accommodation have been provide with fooding, lodging, medicine, pocket money including all requisites as per needs containing 25 inmates in each unit. The noble programme of welfare service for the social citizens is supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India since – 1990. Duly qualified, experienced trained technical and non-technical staff engaged residential for providing service to the purpose of aged as their own family members in a peaceful situation and healthy atmosphere. Being aged and incapable, they lead their lives with full of joy to the adjacent child care sectors fully enjoying love and affection as fully enjoying sharing work together, at the end of life. Galleries of problems have been found in the case of Elderly at the geriatric care in residential homes especially in rural based area. There are so many multifarious problems have been faced during study of case-history and field visit indicating so many normal issues, causing quelled with members of family, often, ill-treatment etc. caused tension in family and bound to leave forcible to be out of home which was so dear to him as he practically his firming land and his sweet little home from depleted condition to reasonable with of condition. But an old aged expects all types of treatment from their near one. But they are so neglected from family as like as Smt. Budhi Bala Shit, Smt. Nonibala Giri, Menaka Pahari locality have no way than looking for an alternative centre. In previous year two street vhegabons women has been admitted by DSW order one is handicapped other from different state. There are lots of phone calls from Kolkata wants to stay at our home; some admitted and some will come by may 2020. In the old age homes aged have been engaged in some kind of jobs like fishing, net-making, Mat-weaving, rope-making, Gardening, vegetable growing at the premises of the campus to earn some thing for their own pockets, they have been participated in all social and cultural functions and in any in spiritual performance, as they are now home away from their own homes. They live together, eat together and served themselves with all together as a family.

Some Facilities Are Available At Old Age Home
  • Music system is available all over the Old Age Home. In the morning at 5:30 AM every day automatically start a spiritual music time to time. Its must create a spiritual mentality.
  • In front of the Old Age Home residence there is a small garden for morning walk, five to six benches for sitting and running water to wash mouth and hand etc.
  • Tiffin arrangement is available after that.
  • Some working place available for Old Age inmates to earn some pocket money. There are so many working facilities like rope making, cultivation, packaging work, some indoor games etc.
  • Spiritual classes are available. Some speech by Maharaj Ji and singing “Kirtan”
  • Weekly 3 days in a week dr. check up available.
  • Every room one comod and one Indian toilet facilities available.
  • Two TV room are available for male and female.