Child Care - Creche Unit

One crèche unit establishes in 1980 and has been running containing 25 little babies of 0 – 6 ages, belonging to B.P.L. families within the campus of SMSS. To ensure the care of new born baby with nursing mother preventive measure has taken, immunization, family planning improve of hygiene etc. productive health. Separate adequate arrangement for class room, store, play ground, park etc. provided including sleeping, toy educational equipments and furniture, utensils. Children of working mother are habituated to come early and spend 8 hours in the centre under the proper guidance of duly qualified trained by the C.S.W. Board, New Delhi of partner SMMS, thanks to S.W. Board for extending the project.
From last year this project tagged with ICDS cell of west Bengal.

Cultivation Of Vegetable, Fish Egg, Chiken & Flowers

We have a large segment to cultivate some vegitable for food porpuse and flowers and various type of colourfull plant for decotarate our area. We have also cultivated seasonable vegitable permanent vegitable verious kind of fish, chiken and egg for fullfill our nessesity. For this some old age and some of our staff involve. Hence we have got fresh vegitable fresh fish, egg and chiken.